Counseling Services

Couples & Relationship Counseling

Relationships can be the most fulfilling part of life. However, they can also be the most challenging and painful. Having been married now for over 34 years, I’ve experienced the difficulties, and the blessings, of a close, personal relationship.

By God’s grace, I’ve learned a lot about improving communication, resolving conflicts, meeting one another’s needs, and working through mistakes. I’ve also discovered how my personal faith in Jesus can help in every aspect of relationships.

I’ve had the opportunity to counsel many couples, and throughout my years of doing so, I’ve discovered a lot of excellent resources to help us experience and enjoy healthy relationships. If you allow Him to do so, I know God can heal and improve your relationship. I would be honored to be part of that process with you.

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Family Counseling

Parenting children in our world today has never been more difficult. Learning how and when to say yes and no, and figuring out how to set proper rules and guidelines is difficult. And, once you decide on these guidelines, they change as our children continue to grow and mature.

Through my years of raising a family and parenting children from birth to adulthood, God has revealed many things to me. I’ve discovered a lot through mistakes I’ve made, and I’ve also learned a lot from the successes I’ve experienced. The good news is we don’t have to raise our children alone. God is available to help us and cares about them even more than we do.

If you are seeking help and guidance as you raise your family, I am here to come alongside you and help you on your journey. Although no parent is perfect, with God’s help we can establish a healthy family and raise healthy children who know and love Him.

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Individual Counseling

Life, even as a follower of Jesus, can often be difficult. We all experience times when we feel anxious, depressed, confused, frustrated, angry, hurt, and a myriad of other emotions. I’ve experienced all of these myself.

However, I’ve discovered how my personal relationship with Jesus can help me work through these challenging seasons of life. And, I’ve seen how He has helped me learn and grow through them. I truly believe He can and will do the same for you, and I would love the opportunity to walk alongside you through this season of your life.

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Premarital Counseling

Preparing to get married is an exciting season of life. One of the highest priorities you can have during this time is to invest in your relationship through premarital counseling. I’ve helped dozens of couples get ready for their new adventure, and seen the benefits of this important investment.
During our four to six meetings together, we’ll cover important topics including communication, conflict resolution, intimacy, financial management, emotional needs, relationship stressors, and more. We’ll also talk about God’s design for marriage, and what you can do to experience all He’s designed it to be.
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Church & Ministerial Counseling

I’ve served on staff at several churches over a period of 25 years as a pastor, ministry leader and volunteer. I’ve experienced a lot of blessings through this time, as well as many challenges, frustrations, disappointments, and conflicts.

I have a special passion in my heart to help people who’ve experienced hurt from working or serving at a church. As I’ve wrestled and worked through my own struggles and pain, God has taught me a lot. I would love the opportunity to share some of the things He’s revealed to me with you, in hope you can also experience the healing and growth I’ve been able to experience by His grace.

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